Well, here we go!
1) Use coupons
You can save a lot of money on gmarket using coupons, especially if you're ordering a lot of items! I probably saved over 20,000won using coupons on my latest order!
So basically what I did was, a week or so before I decided to place my order, I logged in everyday to get as many coupons as I could (coupons expire, so it's best to get them when you know you're going to order). Most of them are from luck-of-draw so I didn't know whether I'd get them or not, but it's good to stock up so you're ready to use them on what you're purchasing.
Please note that you can also apply coupons on the items in your shopping cart, not just on the item's page!
As of this blog post (7/12/2011), you can get coupons on Global Gmarket here:
Discount Coupon Draw:
My Benefit Zone:
Paypal Xmas Event:
Deals of the Week:
For New/First-time Shoppers:
Returning Shoppers:
Super coupons in particular are good because you can use them on top of discounts/coupons to get more won off!
Also, note that the coupons may have restrictions and apply only to certain categories (such as Apparel, or Beauty products) or prices (like purchases over 10,000won or 20,000 won). Check your discount coupon conditions for more info.
Go to the Korean Gmarket page to get LOTS of beauty coupons. I saved like 5,000 won with a 20% off coupon for Dr Jart (BB cream)! You can get 10% or 20% coupons for brands like Etude House, peripera, Lioele, Holika Holika and banilla co to name a few! You can find a tutorial to get these coupons at this site here: http://ciramisu.blogspot.com/2011/04/gmarket-tips-6-beauty.html
2) Checking if you have the right item
So for those of us who don't know Korean, like me, it often takes a bit of time to get used to using the site and making sure we're buying the right item.
It's easy most of the time, but sometimes it's a bit more difficult when the item does not have a code/number+letters in the name (which makes it tons easier to find in the drop down menu) or the writing on the item description/image is a bit hard to decipher. A way to make sure I have selected the right item is to go to my shopping cart, copy and paste my item selection, chuck it into an online translated, and if it matches up with the item I want, then I probably chose the correct one. Click the images to make it larger.
Select the item and put it in your cart.
Since your item is now copy+paste-able, now's a good time to do that!
Put it in an online translator.
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