He ended up giving me two of the shirts he ordered because the size was too small.
I'll post some things up, but I can't post photos of it all because they're in the wardrobe and I'm lazy to get them out =P Maybe next time lol. Plus my camera batteries are out (recharging now) and these are the only pics I've got saved on the computer. Maybe I'll bug my bro and tell him to post up his buys too so the guys can get a feel for men's clothing on gmarket.
Bro ordered the white one of that. He really liked it but gave it to me because it was too small.
I ordered the white one. Even though it was being sold as guy's clothing, I still bought it anyway because it was cute (and besides, the model wearing it in one of the pictures was a girl) =P
On the right, modeling the heart shirt (must lose some weight for summer!). The left image is of a shirt that I bought off gmarket 1-2 years ago from a survey on soompi.
A pair of earrings I bought, it was so cheap!
Looks exactly like it~ And shiny~
Wig from gabalnara. (http://www.gmarket.co.kr/challenge_eng/neo_goods/goods.asp?goodscode=110799569&pos_shop_cd=SH&pos_class_cd=111111111&pos_class_kind=T&keyword_order=gabalnara)
And of course, I had to try it on. I wanted to see what I looked like with short hair lol.
Bonus selca image! I don't usually take a lot of selca lol. And if I do, they're always edited and cartoonified =P
Overall, my bro and I were satisfied with the order (minus a mishap in which bro got the wrong jacket he ordered, but he decided to keep it because he actually liked it lol!). The items we got was exactly like how it was in the image and the prices were very good!
We are going to order again sometime too. Next time, I will get some makeup (even though I don't use it often) - maybe bb cream (for my mum hehe)~
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