But no, I do my favourite thing - procrastination!
Today, I decided to make my nails a little bit presentable - resulting in me using what little I know about nails.
I'll spare you the mundane details, but I just used the materials below (ignore the make-shift 'background' I needed some piece of paper that was going to be chucked away so I would'nt get polish on the table!):
I used Cutex polish, the colour being "French Rose" and a Konad set which my lovely friends (yes, another freebie xD) got for my birthday.
^Just something simple. White stars using the Konad nail stamp set on clear-nails. I could'nt be bothered doing something extravagant (but then again, I'm not at the skill level to do so :P)
What do I think about Konad? I think that these affordable (though a little pricey over here because it's 'imported') are easy to use to create really cute decorations on nails (and even on mobile phones and other surfaces!). But the basic set is just what it is - basic. You have to buy other 'add-ons' including other 'special' nail polishes in different colours and more stamp plates to build a collection.
(Minus the actual stamp and swipe thingo) I only have four colours of the special polish used: red, blue, pink and white and three plates. The good thing however, is that you can mix colours (most obviously white and, say red for a pastel pink for example. Now I wonder why I bought the pink lol...) to create other colours.
I think I'll be looking to buy the yellow and green polishes and more plates in the future to add to my small collection and make cuter decorations (strawberries anyone? Stars should be yellow too btw~). /sigh I think the money will add up in th end - but once again, it's not that much, its just because I'm a cheapo!
I've been eyeing pastel coloured nail polishes. I hope they become popular in Australia soon, so I won't have to buy them online! Acrylic nails seems nice too... Though I don't have the courage to try them and they look very inconvenient.
Which reminds me.... I still have a set of butterfly nail stickers my friend got for me in America. I shall have to use them soon ♥
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