Thursday, November 13, 2008

Predeparture [ blog opening ]

This is the first time in a while since I've meddled with HTML!
I'm hopeless at making layouts and the such, so I've found this
adorable template to use (refer to links for credit).

Well, its also been a while since I've opened up a proper blog,
and it seems blogspot is my home for the meantime.

I hope to use this blog to post about my adventures in Japan,
when I actually head there on the 4th of December on the
AFS JENESYS scholarship program for two weeks.
Even though it's only for two weeks, I hope to experience many
things lol. Food, people, culture etc. I want to take heaps of
photos as well so I can share them when I come back!

I'm a little sad that I won't be able to label each archive under a
theme of category. I'm really lost as to how to use blogs haha.
(Thats what I get for not blogging in ages!)
I was contemplating on whether or not to use wordpress,
livejournal, blogspot or the Japanese ameblo. Well, looks like
I've settled for blogspot since the others are here lol.

Well, thats enough for me in the meantime. I've got piles of home-work to do *shakes fist at HSC work*.

More pre-departure musings of before I leave to japan will come soon!

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